BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Supported Software | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Operating systems

Microsoft releases new versions of the Windows operating systems every few years and also phases out older versions at a similar rate. Microsoft has formalized this policy in Microsoft Support Lifecycle.

It is general policy of BlueCielo to only support current Windows versions because testing and supporting BlueCielo products with specific Windows versions requires a considerable amount of time and resources. BlueCielo intends to support Windows operating systems during their Mainstream and Extended support phases. When an operating system enters the Self-Help support phase, it is no longer supported by BlueCielo. In that phase, it is not possible to get support from BlueCielo other than through the BlueCielo knowledge base.

Note    Changes in the Extended Support phase retirement date by Microsoft announced less than six months before the originally scheduled retirement date will not necessarily be followed by BlueCielo.

Support for Microsoft service packs is not addressed in this policy. For each version of BlueCielo software, specific service pack or additional requirements may apply depending on the version of Windows it is used with. These requirements are documented in the Release Notes document for each BlueCielo product version.

Unless otherwise specified, the following operating systems are supported by BlueCielo products in this document with the limitations noted.

Supported operating systems

Operating System



Windows 7 64-bit


3, 4

Windows 7 32-bit



Windows Vista 64-bit with SP2


3, 4

Windows Vista 32-bit with SP2



Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit

3, 4

Windows Server 2008 64-bit with SP2

3, 4

Windows Server 2008 R2 32-bit


Windows Server 2008 32-bit with SP2


Windows Server 2003 (R2) 64-bit with SP2


Windows Server 2003 (R2) 32-bit with SP2


Windows Server 2003 R2


Windows Server 2003 with SP1, SP2, or SP3


Windows Server 2003 without SP


Windows XP Professional with SP1, SP2, or SP3



Windows XP Professional without SP


Microsoft Hyper-V


VMware Workstation


VMware ESX Server



  1. The workstation operating system variants are supported as platforms for the EDM Server and Web Access only for demonstration and evaluation purposes. In a production environment, a server operating system must be used.
  2. While BlueCielo does not perform quality assurance testing with all virtualization systems (even those listed above) or all combinations of host and guest operating systems, running TeamWork software on any server or desktop virtualization technology is supported under the following conditions.

    Virtualization technologies are designed to be transparent to the software that they host and not require any specific special effort from the software vendors for their use. Testing by BlueCielo has found that while this is largely true, TeamWork software deployed in a virtualized environment might have issues related to performance and communication with peripheral devices, other hardware components, networking, and security. This holds particularly true for client virtualization (for example, Citrix applications and the TeamWork client software). BlueCielo will not take responsibility or provide support for such issues, unless it is proven that such issues are not caused by the use of virtualization software. Note that general comments, warnings and conditions associated with the use of virtualization applications are documented in our knowledge base.
  3. The BlueCielo viewer is supported on 32-bit computers only. The TeamWork 64-bit clients can be configured with AutoVue Client/Server. For more information, see the BlueCielo TeamWork Administrator's Guide.
  4. Warning Existing TeamWork vaults created on computers running older Windows versions (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003) cannot be used by any version of TeamWork running on Windows Server 2008 or Windows 7. Such vaults require a special upgrade procedure as described in Vault incompatibility between Windows operating system versions in the TeamWork knowledge base.

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